Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Springtime in Cottonwood Heights

I don't remember ever being so excited for Spring to actually arrive as I am this year. This weekend we actually got about 5 inches of snow. Most of it has melted again, but it looks like we are getting another storm tomorrow with possible snow. Utah and Spring work together in weird and mysterious ways.
St. Patrick's Day was fun at our house. We made pistachio pudding (gotta have a green treat) and watched Riverdance. So here is your trivia for the day. The shamrock is commonly associated with St. Patrick's Day because according to tradition, Patrick used the shamrock to teach the concept of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as three separate beings with one purpose to the pagan Irish. Kind of cool huh?
On a more current topic, Gilli continually makes me giggle and teaches me at the same time. Yesterday was our Bishop's birthday and she made a "book" for him. She told this very elaborate story of how our family went to live with the Bishop (because our house burned down). Her invisible friends and cousins made an appearance and she bought the Bishop a tambourine and some new "Bishop shoes". The story was delightful and giggle worthy at several points, but then I started thinking about what a good Bishop we have that my five year old would want to live with their family, and the thing is, she knows that if we needed a place to go, the Bishop would be there for our family. Kind of amazing how intuitive kiddos are.
Madi is growing too fast, she has taken to taping rubber bracelets to her ears so she can wear hoop earrings and the makeup kit is playing a far too predominate role in her life right now. It makes me sad to see what a hurry she is in to grow up. She just won't listen when I tell her to slow down, either.
So, this is a crazy long post! Sorry, but there you go.
If you all want to e-mail birthdays to me, I will happily compile a master list and mail it to you via snail mail. I think I have everybody, but it would be good to double check. my email is just my whole name @ remember "el" NOT "le".
Love you all Family of mine!


Jana and Family said...

your whole name including middle or just first and last?

oneforeachhand said...

first and last name. thanks :)