Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Icky sicky

Ok, so I want to know where the icky sicky that has landed at my house came from this time!
Last time I got it from Megan, this time I got it from Ford. I must be getting old too, because I can't fight the stuff off like I use to be able to do.
I don't even have the energy to fight with my kids about school. That has got to say something.
I am very excited for school to get out. We only have a few more weeks to go then it is SWEET summer.
It is almost time for Megan to get her license. Let me tell you, I don't know how people with lots of kids can afford to have them drive. It will double our car insurance! Crazy! Just a heads up for those of you that will be catching up before you know it. I hope to be getting down to help Mom & Dad move before too long. So the sooner I know when works best for them then I will make my plans.
Well, I love you all, hope there is no sicky stuff where you are. Love You Tons Jana & Fam

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

april bliss

I love Spring!. The quail have returned, there is water in our creek and the world is a good place to be. We just spent a lovely weekend with Mom and Dad. They are the best hosts, and then some. I got a couple of snapshots of Dad irrigating. It was like my girlies farewell to the water in the ditch. Things sure have a way of changing quickly, don't they?
So, just now I was sitting here typing away and Gilli started shrieking because there was a spider on her. She stood up and pointed at her pants -- she managed to squish the poor little creepy crawly right on her jeans. I guess shrieking is allowed if you can solve your problem at the same time. It still made me jump and run. Funny little girl! and since she made me lose my train of thought, I will end here.
Hope everyone is happy and well.
Until next time! :)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time just keeps ticking!

Hi ever body,
I can't even believe how fast time is flying by! For me and my kids there are only 33 more days of school left! CRAZY, I tell you! We had one of the many concerts left tonight for Megan. It was choir, and over all it was pretty good, just really long. Megan has decided that even though she want to sing for the rest of forever, if she stays at her current high school, she will not take choir again next year. Neither of us like her choir teacher. It's sad that a bad teacher, can make my daughter want to not take a class she never wanted to give up. But what do you do.
She is thinking about going out to Ogden next year to a charter school, but she hasn't decided yet. i think it would be the better thing for her, but I won't force her to go, it has to be her choice! If I have learned anything this year is I can beg, plead, and try to force, but if she doesn't want to do it..... she just won't. So there is no sense sending her out there if she really doesn't want to go. It would be sending her out there to fail, and I don't want to do that. Especially when she is doing so well at that where she is now. Can you hear the sarcasm dripping from my voice?
Really over all, aside from school challenges, things here are going pretty good. Sorry I have written a book, I really didn't intend to. One of the reasons I got on tonight, is to send out a special Happy Birthday to Brielle.
So Here it is HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRIE!!!! From the Parkers We love you and hope all is doing well.
Hope to hear from you all before to much longer. I am getting lonely on this FAMILY blog. Love you all Jana & Fam.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I am a horrible person!

Ok it has been a bit since my last post, because I am feeling like a horrible person. It was not long before Jennifers birthday and I thought "I should say happy birthday" but myself said, No I will call her thats better anyway. Well, Jenny's b-day came and all day I thought I needed to call, and all day time slipped away faster and faster. Anyway, to make a very long time seem shorter, I didn't get the call made and have spent the rest of the days feeling horrible! So this is me saying "Jenny I am so sorry I missed your birthday!" You were thought of though, even though that doesn't make it any better. I feel really bad. We love you guys and miss you hope everything is good. Love Jana and Family

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Sorry it's been a while since my last post, but I have a laundry list of excuses. We have a sickie at our house again. I think its gotta be Katie going to preschool and bringing stuff home with her, because he has been sick a lot lately. Anyway I have my big preclinical exam checkout monday afternoon which I have to pass if I want to get into clinic and start seeing patients this summer. So I have been practicing for that as well as trying to keep up with the mountain of coursework they seem bent on cramming down our throats. Jenn and the kids have been taking turns being sick most of the winter, so they have had a very long one. Other than that, we had spring break last week, so I got to go golfing and we celebrated Jenn's birthday. Thanks for you who remembered. It meant a lot to her. Oh and ryan celebrated his 1 year birthday on the eighth. So thats about it from here.

welcome april!

I know today is supposed to be a practical joke day, so maybe all you silent ones could trick us with a surprise post?? :)
We've had sick kiddos at our house. i think there is improvement in sight (here's hoping!) Anyway, Gilli was miserable and needing some relief, but she was doing the whole "pull the covers over your head, and clamp your mouth shut to avoid medicine" thing. Well, being the good parent that I am, I thought that maybe sweetening the deal with a little treat might be in order. (Who hasn't been too weary to fight the inevitable?) So I said, "Sweetie take your medicine and you can have a treat." She deliberated for a second and then shook her head again. My reply, "Would you like a pickle?" Gilli, "YEAH!!!!" Mouth opened wide and one small gag later, when the medicine was gone, we went into the kitchen to celebrate good medicine taking with two dill pickle spears. Who bribes a kid with pickles and actually has it work? I think my kiddo might be stranger than yours.
Have a happy Tuesday!