I know its a little immature to want to start singing "no more homework no more books," but that's how I feel. I can't believe we made it through another bout of the finals and passes all the way. It is so good to be done. As for snow, we can hope, but its more likely to be a soggy wet Christmas as opposed to a white one. Anyway just wanted you all to share in the joy of no more teachers' dirty looks.
Happy Christmas break!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
December 21st
I absolutely love days like today!
Today is the first day of Christmas break, so Madi is home with me and we got 8 inches of snow. It is another reason to love all our poorly insulated windows. Our Christmas shopping is 95% finished,and we have no place we have to be. The girlies have decided that today is pajama day at our house. Poor Chrisser had to put on appropriate clothing for work, and off he went into the world. We girls are hunkered down in our cozy world, the snow has been shovelled, and we will have a white Christmas. The world will be even more delightsome when Chrisser returns and gets into his pajamas too.
Hope you are having a happy last weekend before Christmas.
How much snow did you all have to shovel?
Stephen, happy mail is coming your way. Let me know when it gets there ok?
Love to all! :)
Today is the first day of Christmas break, so Madi is home with me and we got 8 inches of snow. It is another reason to love all our poorly insulated windows. Our Christmas shopping is 95% finished,and we have no place we have to be. The girlies have decided that today is pajama day at our house. Poor Chrisser had to put on appropriate clothing for work, and off he went into the world. We girls are hunkered down in our cozy world, the snow has been shovelled, and we will have a white Christmas. The world will be even more delightsome when Chrisser returns and gets into his pajamas too.
Hope you are having a happy last weekend before Christmas.
How much snow did you all have to shovel?
Stephen, happy mail is coming your way. Let me know when it gets there ok?
Love to all! :)
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
The last post had me in giggles most of the day yesterday. thinking of all the funny completely spontaneous things that kiddos (and adults) do that are insanely delightful. Do any of you remember driving to St George with Dad singing the "I Have to Go to the Potty" song for about 20 miles?
So what made you giggle today?
Gilli makes me giggle everyday with the thing she imagines. This month, she has a husband named Christopher and 100 children that go with her everywhere she goes. Buckling in takes a fair amount of time. She is busy "air" knitting blankets and scarfs and sweaters for them and baking up a storm of Christmas treats. We have stacks of blocks all over the house with plastic strawberries carefully balanced on the top -- her version of cupcake stacks.
Thanks for the giggles family. hope you have some too.
Love you :)
So what made you giggle today?
Gilli makes me giggle everyday with the thing she imagines. This month, she has a husband named Christopher and 100 children that go with her everywhere she goes. Buckling in takes a fair amount of time. She is busy "air" knitting blankets and scarfs and sweaters for them and baking up a storm of Christmas treats. We have stacks of blocks all over the house with plastic strawberries carefully balanced on the top -- her version of cupcake stacks.
Thanks for the giggles family. hope you have some too.
Love you :)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Feeling a little cheeky!
Well, Kylee is done with potty training. But, we still need to teach her how to dress properly. She decided she needed to go to the bathroom and took her pants off. She had twisted her underwear waist band so that one of her butt cheeks was hanging out. She is now officially called the "Cheeky Bandit". On top of that she was singing (to the chicken dance tune) "I don't want to be a chicken, I don't want to be a chicken, so I'll spank my butt," and then she'd spank her butt, bare cheek and all. Toddler-hood is great!
Love you all.
Love you all.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Ryan's Clapping!
It is the most adorable thing. Ryan will clap by himself now! I know we've been through this before, but it is so fun and amazing to see kids grow up. I will have to see if I can't get video of it up. Anyway its finals time so I better get back to studying. Merry Christmas
Monday, December 3, 2007
its the busiest time of the year
You know the song goes, "it's the most wonderful time of the year. . ." but i think they forgot the verse that goes "it's the busiest time of the year, with the kids needing snow boots, and cards that need mailing and presents for wrapping. . ." not that i am complaining, because it is a lot of fun, but i don't think i have had time to sit still for at least two weeks. so i am making time to post quickly on this snowy cold december 3rd morning. we had quite a storm here on saturday -- we actually shovelled twice and the pile of snow by the driveway is nearly as tall as our mailbox. you should see gilli shovel. she loves to help, although her help usually involves creating random piles of snow everywhere and leaving icy spots in places where she has fallen and laid on the driveway, we love gilli-shaped patches fo ice. nice though that she loves to help.
madi has been a little anxious about getting baptized, so saturday morning we went over to see one of her friends get baptized -- she is so much more calm now. she even got to put her hand in the water and decided it will not be too cold for her. so anyway, those of you who can will be welcome to join us for her baptism the first weekend of march -- and i think she will even be a little excited about it.
chris is getting ready for our ward christmas program -- writing music, getting string players, and all of the things that go with that. at least now this is his calling -- they finally made him choir director he is really feeling joyful.
at this buisest time of the year i hope you all stay safe and warm and have some truly joyful moments.
Love you all!
madi has been a little anxious about getting baptized, so saturday morning we went over to see one of her friends get baptized -- she is so much more calm now. she even got to put her hand in the water and decided it will not be too cold for her. so anyway, those of you who can will be welcome to join us for her baptism the first weekend of march -- and i think she will even be a little excited about it.
chris is getting ready for our ward christmas program -- writing music, getting string players, and all of the things that go with that. at least now this is his calling -- they finally made him choir director he is really feeling joyful.
at this buisest time of the year i hope you all stay safe and warm and have some truly joyful moments.
Love you all!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
It's Christmas Time!!!!
Well, I think it is Christmas time! We put a tree up in the living room, it's all decorated thanks to the kids. Then Chet spent the day putting up lights on his hopefully Ice Thing in the back yard on top of the Mountain. It can't go in the front yard this year because we have too many trees (if you can ever have too many trees). At least they are in the way of any Ice sculpture. We had so many people ask us if we were going to have it again this year, and say that they would be so sad if we didn't. That made Chet really feel the pressure to be sure to get it done this year. So now all we need is for it to get cold. Not that I am excited to have it get cold but if it has to get cold at least we can get a cool thing out of it. We do have a few lights in the front and we may add more. Here is a picture of the hopeful Ice Thing. I will try to get some pictures of it when it gets going. Till then have fun shopping! Or what ever you might need to be doing.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
where did 7 years go?
I can't believe that 7 years have gone by so quickly. Jenni and I had our 7 year anniversary this last Sunday. Our romantic celebration included being sick, staying up late on Saturday so I could study for a test, me going to bed at 6 so I could get up at 2 am to finish studying for a big test Monday morning, and that's about it. So, while its been an atypical one, it has been a good one because we're together. I think I got off easy on having to remember how many years its been because I just count from 2000. So as long as I can remember the year, I know how long we've been married. Anyway, I wish we could get home for the Christmas break, but we wont be able to. So we wish you and yours a merry Christmas, Happy thanksgiving, and a wonderful New Year.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Happy Happy Holidays!
Hi all! I haven't posted for awhile, but surely enjoy reading from all of you! I've been doing daily indexing and have set that as a must-do goal, so if nothing else gets done, I index and read my scriptures with Dad! It's amazing what a difference that makes. I've also been to the temple every week for the last almost 3 months. I'm afraid I won't make either goal this week, but we're so excited to go to CO for Thanksgiving. Dad hasn't been over in more than 2 years, so we're looking forward to it. We've watched the weather.com site religiously, and I feel a bit guilty about our selfish prayers, as we need moisture so badly, but the weather looks clearer each time I check, so we're being blessed! I'm very grateful! We'll pray for moisture on Monday evening next!
I've spent the last 3 days (in bits & pieces) putting up my Christmas village. It turns out differently every year, and seems to grow, but I really enjoy it & hope this year, some of you will get to see it. The only ones who did last year were, I think, Steve & Jenni. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Anyway, I hope others enjoy it as much as I do. I really get lost in it! Well, I'm off to try to finish it now. Love to you all and hope each of you have a lovely Thanksgiving, no matter what you are doing or with whom! Minders, we haven't heard from you in a long time. What are your plans? (We invited her to CO with us, but she couldn't go, bummer!)
I've spent the last 3 days (in bits & pieces) putting up my Christmas village. It turns out differently every year, and seems to grow, but I really enjoy it & hope this year, some of you will get to see it. The only ones who did last year were, I think, Steve & Jenni. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Anyway, I hope others enjoy it as much as I do. I really get lost in it! Well, I'm off to try to finish it now. Love to you all and hope each of you have a lovely Thanksgiving, no matter what you are doing or with whom! Minders, we haven't heard from you in a long time. What are your plans? (We invited her to CO with us, but she couldn't go, bummer!)
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Here's a post
Greetings to you all. We've been meaning to post for a while and keep forgetting. I do enjoy reading all of your posts. Don't tell Megan, but I'm glad we're in Colorado while she works out the kinks with her permit (Just kidding Megan:-)
Anyway, life is moving along at break-neck speed. Thanksgiving is already upon us all, then Christmas and a new year. We are all looking forward to having Mom and Dad visit with us for Thanksgiving. The kids are looking forward to a break from school.
Jesse is now playing basketball. I am coaching his team. He has decided (for the moment) that basketball and football are his two favorite sports. School is a mixed bag for him. Sometimes he really enjoys it and sometimes he struggles to find the motivation, especially when he has writing to do. He's usually excited to show the finished product though. Jennah made a daily schedule so that they can take responsibility of the things they need to do and Jesse has really shown some initiative with that which I'm very pleased with. I'm hoping he won't champion the cause of the procrastinators like his Dad has done for so long.
Brielle is, well, changing. At least, that's what she says. The other day she told Jennah that she "wasn't herself." "You have to understand Mom, I'm just not myself lately. I mean, I'm almost a teenager you know." Oh help. What are we going to do when she actually is a teenager? What, is she going to then tell us that we have to understand that she's almost an adult. What does all this mean anyway? Can someone tell me how to plumb the depths a 7 (not 17) year olds mind? We have a lot of laughs with her. She's great and a really good story teller if you have the time.
Paige wants "a llama with 4 humps and 5 horses" for Christmas (said while jumping up and down with tremendous exuberance). Does anyone know where you can get this stuff, especially the llama? Oh well, at least we know what to shop for.
Kylee is nearly done with potty training. Now everyone from the cashier at Wal-Mart to the man who walks the dog in front of our house (don't know his name) knows that Kylee poops in the potty. Grrreat.
Caleb seems to be learning so much so fast, especially with Pre-school now. Its interesting how children develop so differently. One thing that is a constant is his love for balls, cars and wrestling with anyone who lays down for more than five seconds - including Eryn. Did we tell you he's got a pretty good throwing arm. A few weeks ago we were playing a game with the kids and they were throwing stuffed animals at/to me at the bottom of the stairs. You know, soft, furry animals - harmless. Well little did I know that Caleb wanted in on the fun and all he had in his hand were little pieces from the magnetix toys, essentially ball bearings. Well, the pitcher steps into his stance, winds up and releases a perfect fastball right down center plate. Center plate happened to be my forhead. I just couldn't bring myself to actually explain to friends and neighbors how I got that big goose egg right in the middle of my forehead.
Eryn is fast, fearless and trying the make the terrible twos' arrive early. This morning, Life cereal became the latest casualty in campaign. Eryn sat in gleeful triumph at the table while she tossed handfulls of Life cereal on the floor. Next week, chapter 2 of the continuing saga of Er' Bear and her campaign to rule the Martin realm or bring it to ruins. Okay, so she's actually lots of fun, but can you blame me for wanting to spice things up?
We sure love you all, wish we could see you more often and look forward to seeing you as soon as we can.
Anyway, life is moving along at break-neck speed. Thanksgiving is already upon us all, then Christmas and a new year. We are all looking forward to having Mom and Dad visit with us for Thanksgiving. The kids are looking forward to a break from school.
Jesse is now playing basketball. I am coaching his team. He has decided (for the moment) that basketball and football are his two favorite sports. School is a mixed bag for him. Sometimes he really enjoys it and sometimes he struggles to find the motivation, especially when he has writing to do. He's usually excited to show the finished product though. Jennah made a daily schedule so that they can take responsibility of the things they need to do and Jesse has really shown some initiative with that which I'm very pleased with. I'm hoping he won't champion the cause of the procrastinators like his Dad has done for so long.
Brielle is, well, changing. At least, that's what she says. The other day she told Jennah that she "wasn't herself." "You have to understand Mom, I'm just not myself lately. I mean, I'm almost a teenager you know." Oh help. What are we going to do when she actually is a teenager? What, is she going to then tell us that we have to understand that she's almost an adult. What does all this mean anyway? Can someone tell me how to plumb the depths a 7 (not 17) year olds mind? We have a lot of laughs with her. She's great and a really good story teller if you have the time.
Paige wants "a llama with 4 humps and 5 horses" for Christmas (said while jumping up and down with tremendous exuberance). Does anyone know where you can get this stuff, especially the llama? Oh well, at least we know what to shop for.
Kylee is nearly done with potty training. Now everyone from the cashier at Wal-Mart to the man who walks the dog in front of our house (don't know his name) knows that Kylee poops in the potty. Grrreat.
Caleb seems to be learning so much so fast, especially with Pre-school now. Its interesting how children develop so differently. One thing that is a constant is his love for balls, cars and wrestling with anyone who lays down for more than five seconds - including Eryn. Did we tell you he's got a pretty good throwing arm. A few weeks ago we were playing a game with the kids and they were throwing stuffed animals at/to me at the bottom of the stairs. You know, soft, furry animals - harmless. Well little did I know that Caleb wanted in on the fun and all he had in his hand were little pieces from the magnetix toys, essentially ball bearings. Well, the pitcher steps into his stance, winds up and releases a perfect fastball right down center plate. Center plate happened to be my forhead. I just couldn't bring myself to actually explain to friends and neighbors how I got that big goose egg right in the middle of my forehead.
Eryn is fast, fearless and trying the make the terrible twos' arrive early. This morning, Life cereal became the latest casualty in campaign. Eryn sat in gleeful triumph at the table while she tossed handfulls of Life cereal on the floor. Next week, chapter 2 of the continuing saga of Er' Bear and her campaign to rule the Martin realm or bring it to ruins. Okay, so she's actually lots of fun, but can you blame me for wanting to spice things up?
We sure love you all, wish we could see you more often and look forward to seeing you as soon as we can.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Deep sigh!
We are now breathing a deep sigh of relief -- after two weeks of dealing with a leak in the kitchen, we are happy to report that it is finally fixed. I told Chrisser the other day that having something wrong in the house is like having an injury on your body; kind of like a paper cut on a finger, and that seems to draw way more attention than it really needs and too many other things get ignored or put aside until you feel better. You would not believe what a disaster my house is today. I am actually looking forward to getting it reclaimed from the throes of mess.
As the holdays get closer, I thought it might be a good idea to remind everyone to whom they are giving:
Christi -- Stephen
Jana -- Christi
David -- Jana
Mindy -- David
Stephen -- Mindy
I'm sure that if you have any requests for a specific gift, they would be welcomed -- (Stephen???)
So what is everyone doing for the holidays this year? If you are going to St George, When are you planning to be there?
Well, enough yammering on -- cleaning awaits!
Have a happy day!
As the holdays get closer, I thought it might be a good idea to remind everyone to whom they are giving:
Christi -- Stephen
Jana -- Christi
David -- Jana
Mindy -- David
Stephen -- Mindy
I'm sure that if you have any requests for a specific gift, they would be welcomed -- (Stephen???)
So what is everyone doing for the holidays this year? If you are going to St George, When are you planning to be there?
Well, enough yammering on -- cleaning awaits!
Have a happy day!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Mom & Dad DON'T read this!
Hey everyone I have an idea for Mom & Dad for Christmas (said in a whisper like they are not reading this but might hear) If there is any of you that might be interested in chipping in and reaping the rewards {:) just send me and e-mail or call me (the cell phone is the best place to call) and we can work out the details. Just whatever you do don't tell Mom & Dad! t's a secret! Love ya Jana
How is everyone doing?
I am just wondering how those of you who haven't made a post in a while are doing? Mindy? Dave? Is all well with you and yours? Let us know what is turning in your worlds. We really are interested. Also now that Christi's got her new computer I was thinking that we might get to hear more from her? I will be waiting for more! I love this stuff and it is much easier to keep track of than the family letter was, although I do miss getting it in the mail. I really want to know what is going on in all your worlds! Love you all. (ALL) Hope to hear from you all soon! Love Jana
Saturday, November 10, 2007
blog woes.
this is what it should look like in the explorer bar
I don't know why its such a pain to get it to come up but it will
this is what it should look like in the explorer bar
I don't know why its such a pain to get it to come up but it will
Friday, November 9, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Oh MY GOODNESS is about all I can say. Are you ready for this? Megan has her driving permit! Can you even believe it? I think I am still in a bit of shock. Not nearly as much as I was the day she got the permit though. Lets just say that was a very eventful day that we really would like to put behind us, at least as soon as I get my car fixed that is. :) No I am not kidding, not only did Megan get her permit on Tuesday, but she also was in her first accident as a driver. Luckily she was not at fault in the slightest, but that doesn't do much for her nerves. As a permit driver she is only allowed to drive with a 21 or older person in the front and only family members in the car other than that. That said, we ( we being Megan, myself, and Ford )were on our way up unto the sub-division above us to pick up a girl in our ward to go to Young Men & Women's. Megan was driving us up and we were going to switch places when we picked the other girl up. Well when we got to the road she lives on and started to round the corner, there was a big pick up truck in the middle of the road. So Megan stopped to wait and see where they were going to go, when they started backing up! I said "they will stop", but they didn't stop they just kept coming at us. I told Megan to put the car in reverse as I started laying on the horn. Megan put the car in neutral and then in park in her nervousness to get out of the way. In the mean time they just kept backing up right into the front of my car! The man driving was an older man and said he just had not even seen us. By the way it was dark and we did have our headlights on. Oh well, like I said at least it wasn't her fault and it wasn't worse than it was. Megan said,"who gets their permit and in their first wreck all in the same day? Oh ya, that's right ME!" Anyway Megan does have her permit now. :) I think that it is a good thing. At least for now.
I posted some new pics on our website. its easier to post them on just the one, so you can go there to check it out if you want. www.stevenjenni@blogspot.com. Hope everyone is going good.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
happy fall!
So, how was Halloween? Ours was fun. School parade for Madi, trick or treating at Daddy's office and finally traipsing around to selected homes in our enormous ward boundaries. Fun for girlies and parental figures. Madi was a little blonde Geisha and Gilli was a blued-eyed snow princess and both were thrilled with their choices. Gilli's favorite element of her costume was the sparkly silver shoes that she chose herself.
We have had water in our creek for the last week and it has been marvelous. Mom even enjoyed it when she was here this last weekend. Poor Dad had to stay away because my kiddos were sickish and we didn't want to share the joy with him.
Today we have a water leak -- in fact a bit of a waterfall from the kitchen down into the playroom -- can't do a thing about it -- hoping the plumber comes SOON, and so I BLOG. What else can I do?
Loving Fall, Loving you all, and hopiong your worlds are well and dry where they should be.
Until Next Time.:)
We have had water in our creek for the last week and it has been marvelous. Mom even enjoyed it when she was here this last weekend. Poor Dad had to stay away because my kiddos were sickish and we didn't want to share the joy with him.
Today we have a water leak -- in fact a bit of a waterfall from the kitchen down into the playroom -- can't do a thing about it -- hoping the plumber comes SOON, and so I BLOG. What else can I do?
Loving Fall, Loving you all, and hopiong your worlds are well and dry where they should be.
Until Next Time.:)
Monday, October 29, 2007
Well when I typed up the last post the pix had been where I said they would be. Oh well that is how my night has been.
Some pix of Cali!
Hi! eveyone, I hope you all enjoyed a beautiful sunny weekend. Mom and I had a great sunday. We had our ward primary presentation.. It made me miss all our grandkids. After church and dinner we went for a ride out to Snow Canyon and what a pretty time of year it is here in st George.
Today I stayed outside pruning the bushes out front.. I think it look alot better than it did so I should have gotten it done sooner..
Love all you and hope to see you very soon.. Love Dad
Today I stayed outside pruning the bushes out front.. I think it look alot better than it did so I should have gotten it done sooner..
Love all you and hope to see you very soon.. Love Dad
Friday, October 26, 2007
Hi guys!!! I'm finally posting a real post! We've been saving for new computer and Chrisser surprised me with it for my birthday! Happy! Happy! Our little corner of the world is going really well. Today we went and had family photos taken at the park and Gilli was so funny. I think some of our best photos of her were the ones that we caught of her rolling down the hill. Not so well behaved actually, but still it was fun.
So I'm 40!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK! Anyway, thanks for all the kind things you said about me. There were tears, of course. You're not supposed to cry on your birthday, but that's okay.
Well, I'm out of scintillating things to say, so I'm off to stamp something. Until Next Time, LOVE YOU!
So I'm 40!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK! Anyway, thanks for all the kind things you said about me. There were tears, of course. You're not supposed to cry on your birthday, but that's okay.
Well, I'm out of scintillating things to say, so I'm off to stamp something. Until Next Time, LOVE YOU!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sorry Daddy. :(
Hi Everyone,
Yes we did make it home safe, sorry Daddy I did forget about calling you. I was thinking about it when we dropped Chet off in Salt Lake to get his van, but after that I forgot about all else.
I didn't think that going on a vacation would be so much work and so tiring! Wow, now I know why eveyone always says they need a vacation from their vacation.
I don't mean to complain! Really we had such a good time I am already wanting o do it again! :) Chet and I have talked about it and think that next time we want to line each of the kids a friend up s that they aren't stuck with Mom & Dad the whole time. We really had a blast though, but don't ask me which ride was my favorite, because I don't know if I could choose! We walked a ton and spent WAY to much money, especially on FOOD! Oh my goodness it was so expensive to eat at any of the parks.
We got to go to Disney Land, Universal Studios and Sea World. We also visited the walk of fame, and drove around Hollywood Hills...... woooo! It was pretty but I could NEVER live even close to there! Talk about no yard! they didn't even have driveways! Just this little patch of cement that pulled into their garage. Anyway, on the last day there we went to the beach in Newport, and again on Sunday before we left for home, and we even got to see dolphins out in the ocean, swimming by the surfers. It was way cool. I will try to post some pix, in the next day or so. I love you all, and now that I have written a book I am off to bed. Jana
Yes we did make it home safe, sorry Daddy I did forget about calling you. I was thinking about it when we dropped Chet off in Salt Lake to get his van, but after that I forgot about all else.
I didn't think that going on a vacation would be so much work and so tiring! Wow, now I know why eveyone always says they need a vacation from their vacation.
I don't mean to complain! Really we had such a good time I am already wanting o do it again! :) Chet and I have talked about it and think that next time we want to line each of the kids a friend up s that they aren't stuck with Mom & Dad the whole time. We really had a blast though, but don't ask me which ride was my favorite, because I don't know if I could choose! We walked a ton and spent WAY to much money, especially on FOOD! Oh my goodness it was so expensive to eat at any of the parks.
We got to go to Disney Land, Universal Studios and Sea World. We also visited the walk of fame, and drove around Hollywood Hills...... woooo! It was pretty but I could NEVER live even close to there! Talk about no yard! they didn't even have driveways! Just this little patch of cement that pulled into their garage. Anyway, on the last day there we went to the beach in Newport, and again on Sunday before we left for home, and we even got to see dolphins out in the ocean, swimming by the surfers. It was way cool. I will try to post some pix, in the next day or so. I love you all, and now that I have written a book I am off to bed. Jana
Monday, October 22, 2007
I guess everything has a starting point.. so I will start my first entry. We had a good visit with Jan,Chet and the kids. In fact they stayed with mom and I sunday leavinng for home monday afternoon.. I hope they got there okey. All is well with Mom and I, My next Dr's appointment is on the 31st.. See you all later and pray you are all very well.. Dad
Sunday, October 21, 2007
my sympathies dave
I can sympathize about Brielle. Katie stated she was going to have sex on the way to her first day at preschool. of course, she meant to say snacks, but regardless, we have video to prove it.
Katie also had her first primary program today, and she went up despite crying for mommy when she had to go sit with her class. She did really well.
we taught our first Sunday school lesson as ward missionaries and it went really well. We had an investigator that has committed to baptism there and another new memeber that has only been to church a couple of times in the year that she has been a member. it went really well.
Katie also had her first primary program today, and she went up despite crying for mommy when she had to go sit with her class. She did really well.
we taught our first Sunday school lesson as ward missionaries and it went really well. We had an investigator that has committed to baptism there and another new memeber that has only been to church a couple of times in the year that she has been a member. it went really well.
Just a note
Just a note on our way through St. George to let you know I am reading and will make a new post when we get home and I have a minute. I will have a minute even if I have to make one up! Love you all. I can't believe how fast all the kids are growing up! I am not sure I like it at all!!!
Well, today is a double birthday. Kylee and Caleb are three today. Next year they will officially join the ranks of the primary, part of a group of about 20 new sunbeams. I guess our primary of 120 isn't big enough and they need more kids. Heaven bless the Sunbeam teacher(s). Speaking of primary, we had a primary program today. Jesse, Brielle, and Paige all did very well with their parts.
Yesterday was the last day of fall sports for Jesse and Brielle. Paige finished soccer last Saturday. Jesse played quarterback for his flag football team a little bit yesterday. His first pass was a touchdown pass. Way to go Jesse. Brielle hustled and played really hard. She's really fun to watch because she just doesn't stop. She seems to flow to the ball naturally and she nearly scored yesterday.
Paige had fun and really developed during her soccer season. She went from distracted player doing somersaults while the game happened on other end of the field, to being right in the middle of the mix and even scoring a goal.
We got our first snow of the season today. BOO! I'm not ready to surrender to winter yet. Fortunately, I don't think I have to. Its supposed to warm back up this week, into the 60s anyway. The kids all broke out the winter gear, snow pants, boots, etc. and headed outside. They made snow angels and snowmen. Brielle is all about the details. As I was taking a picture of her snowman, she freely pointed out the details on her snowman. "Those are the breasts," she proudly pointed to the remnants of a carrot broken in two pieces and placed in the figure to represent breasts. Can someone please tell me what I'm going to do with this girl as she gets older.? Just kidding.
Anyway, on the anatomy note, we'll sign off. Love you all and we'll talk to you later.
Yesterday was the last day of fall sports for Jesse and Brielle. Paige finished soccer last Saturday. Jesse played quarterback for his flag football team a little bit yesterday. His first pass was a touchdown pass. Way to go Jesse. Brielle hustled and played really hard. She's really fun to watch because she just doesn't stop. She seems to flow to the ball naturally and she nearly scored yesterday.
Paige had fun and really developed during her soccer season. She went from distracted player doing somersaults while the game happened on other end of the field, to being right in the middle of the mix and even scoring a goal.
We got our first snow of the season today. BOO! I'm not ready to surrender to winter yet. Fortunately, I don't think I have to. Its supposed to warm back up this week, into the 60s anyway. The kids all broke out the winter gear, snow pants, boots, etc. and headed outside. They made snow angels and snowmen. Brielle is all about the details. As I was taking a picture of her snowman, she freely pointed out the details on her snowman. "Those are the breasts," she proudly pointed to the remnants of a carrot broken in two pieces and placed in the figure to represent breasts. Can someone please tell me what I'm going to do with this girl as she gets older.? Just kidding.
Anyway, on the anatomy note, we'll sign off. Love you all and we'll talk to you later.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Ryan's first tooth
Ryan kept us up all night, the night before last, and today Jenn felt why. Ryan's first tooth is coming in. one of the lower incisors.
Friday, October 12, 2007
We are on our way.
Hey everyone, I'm just leaving you a note Till we get back from California! We are on our over nighter in St. George, then in the morning we are on our last leg onward to Oceanside, which is where we will be staying.
Stephen, I love the pix! I want to go to the beach! Maybe we will have some pix of our own. We have planned to go to the beach, so if everything goes as planned we will.
Love you all, Blog again as soon as I can. Love Jana & Fam
Stephen, I love the pix! I want to go to the beach! Maybe we will have some pix of our own. We have planned to go to the beach, so if everything goes as planned we will.
Love you all, Blog again as soon as I can. Love Jana & Fam
Thursday, October 11, 2007
medical update
So Jenn went to the pediatrician today, and Ryan is 95% for height and 75% for weight and Katie is 50% height and 75% weight. Just thought you guys might like to know. Also I had a little difficulty posting digital video. Does it just take a long time to upload, or is there something specific I need to do?
Monday, October 8, 2007
About time
Well we are finally up and running. I guess the last is best of all the game right? Things are going fairly well. My life consists of cramming for tests each week and Jenni has a newspaper route she does once a week. Katie has started preschool and surprised us all by, upon being asked what she was going to do at preschool, telling us she was going to have sex. She meant to say snacks, and no she hasn't been catching us at anything. it was just funny. and we have it on video. Ryan is getting big and heavy, and is almost always a happy boy. hope things are well for you all and I will put some pics and video up when I get a minute
Monday, October 1, 2007
By the by, Mindy I want to know what is going on in your life as well! Please keep us updated! I know that Steve is trying to get to where he can log in and post but the invite got sent to the wrong e-mail. Hopefully he will be able to be posting with us all soon. Christi I miss you too and hope you guys are doning well. Still waiting anxiously for your posts. Love you all More than you know, hope you are having fun keeping up with my crazy family. :0) Love me again.
Work in progress
Our mountain is continuing, slowly but surely. We couldn't work on it on Saturday because it not only rained, it snowed! Can you believe that?! I am so not ready for the snow yet.
Anyway, Chet's brother Rick came back today and worked on it somemore, and it is really taking GREAT shape.
When all is said and done it will have a place for a waterfall, and stairs to get up the south side. Oh ya, and Megan's ledge. :) It did just start to rain tonight again, so depending on how much it rains we might have come to a stand still again. I hope the rain passes quickly for my own personal, selfish reasons. The sooner we get it done, the better. They are getting ready to start on the dentist office next door, and I don't think they want to share working space. So we need to get it done asap. Anyway that is the up date for now. I do have some new pix, but I think I will wait to share them for a day or two just to see if we might not get it done. Love ya tons Jana
Anyway, Chet's brother Rick came back today and worked on it somemore, and it is really taking GREAT shape.
When all is said and done it will have a place for a waterfall, and stairs to get up the south side. Oh ya, and Megan's ledge. :) It did just start to rain tonight again, so depending on how much it rains we might have come to a stand still again. I hope the rain passes quickly for my own personal, selfish reasons. The sooner we get it done, the better. They are getting ready to start on the dentist office next door, and I don't think they want to share working space. So we need to get it done asap. Anyway that is the up date for now. I do have some new pix, but I think I will wait to share them for a day or two just to see if we might not get it done. Love ya tons Jana
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Our Mountain Continues.....
P.S The first 2 are the befores, the last 2 are the work in progress before it got dark. Even though they worked on into the night. They worked until like 11 pm so it looks even more different now than it did then. Guess you will have to come back l8r if you want to see more. HAHA now I am just teasing you. There will for sure be more.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Our own piece of the mountain!
Hey all, Just another Parker family update! Not that you really need one, but here goes anyway.
I think that you all need to come to my house and see what we have been doing in our back yard! ( by we I mean Chet and his brother Rick. I am just a sideline supervisor )
For real though, we are building our own MOUNTAIN!!!! It is so cool! I will post some pix as we get farther into it. It should be finished some time in the beginning of next week.
We have been planning on doing this since we very first moved in. I couldn't picture what it was going to look like at first so I just had to trust that Chet knew what he was doing. But now it is looking SO neat! Megan is going to have her very OWN ledge. I am not sure exactly what that means but she will have one.
Anyway, I am just a little excited! I will update as new things come up. :)
I think that you all need to come to my house and see what we have been doing in our back yard! ( by we I mean Chet and his brother Rick. I am just a sideline supervisor )
For real though, we are building our own MOUNTAIN!!!! It is so cool! I will post some pix as we get farther into it. It should be finished some time in the beginning of next week.
We have been planning on doing this since we very first moved in. I couldn't picture what it was going to look like at first so I just had to trust that Chet knew what he was doing. But now it is looking SO neat! Megan is going to have her very OWN ledge. I am not sure exactly what that means but she will have one.
Anyway, I am just a little excited! I will update as new things come up. :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Hey! Happy 19th to the Parkers!!! It is a big deal and we're very happy for you! We love you all. And, please notice, it isn't just the Parker blog!
We got more than 1 1/2 inches of rain this last week! That's pretty huge for St. George! We don't really have a whole lot of news from here, but we do love you all!
Mom & Dad
We got more than 1 1/2 inches of rain this last week! That's pretty huge for St. George! We don't really have a whole lot of news from here, but we do love you all!
Mom & Dad
Monday, September 24, 2007
19 years!
Hey everybody!
I don't want this to be the Parker blog, but here I just wanted to say hey.
Chet and I celebrated our 19th anniversary today! wahoo! No really! That is a really exciting thing to me! Especially for us to still really like each other! We are really looking forward to the rest of forever together! We went out on Saturday to Costa Vida's in Ogden. There is an indoor surfing place right next door, so you can eat in the restaurant and be entertained by the surfers next door at the same time. It is really a good time. At least for my family it is. Then we went in and wondered around Fat Cats arcade for a while before we went home. Fairly uneventful but a good time just to be together. We had to go on Saturday because Chet's work schedule has been a little crazy as of late. Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Now it is someone elses turn to make a post, before I make another one.
Love you all have a wonderful week. Jana & Chet
I don't want this to be the Parker blog, but here I just wanted to say hey.
Chet and I celebrated our 19th anniversary today! wahoo! No really! That is a really exciting thing to me! Especially for us to still really like each other! We are really looking forward to the rest of forever together! We went out on Saturday to Costa Vida's in Ogden. There is an indoor surfing place right next door, so you can eat in the restaurant and be entertained by the surfers next door at the same time. It is really a good time. At least for my family it is. Then we went in and wondered around Fat Cats arcade for a while before we went home. Fairly uneventful but a good time just to be together. We had to go on Saturday because Chet's work schedule has been a little crazy as of late. Anyway, I guess that's all for now. Now it is someone elses turn to make a post, before I make another one.
Love you all have a wonderful week. Jana & Chet
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hi everyone! We finally got on! Sorry it took us so long! I don't know how to get back on next time, so somebody will have to tell me that. Dad's last blood count was up to 11. His doctor thought she was going to have to put him back in the hospital and start that all over, but he surprised her! That's a good thing!
My work is keeping me very busy and I'm going to learn how to do Reiki, so we'll see how that goes. If you have questions about it, look it up on Google. It will explain it lots better than I can. I don't know why, but I know I need to do this, if only for my own health and for Dad. I can't help but think there's more to it than that, but I'm feeling my way one step at a time.
It was our Relief Society enrichment night tonight and I had a gal come and teach the sisters Edgu. It's a form of exercise you do to music and guided imagery. It's more like a dance and is very gentle and non-impact. It helps align the spine and increase mobility and anyone can do it, old and young, even pregnant. It was fun. Well, it's late and I got up at 5 the last 2 mornings, so will sign off for now. Hope you get this! Love, Mom
My work is keeping me very busy and I'm going to learn how to do Reiki, so we'll see how that goes. If you have questions about it, look it up on Google. It will explain it lots better than I can. I don't know why, but I know I need to do this, if only for my own health and for Dad. I can't help but think there's more to it than that, but I'm feeling my way one step at a time.
It was our Relief Society enrichment night tonight and I had a gal come and teach the sisters Edgu. It's a form of exercise you do to music and guided imagery. It's more like a dance and is very gentle and non-impact. It helps align the spine and increase mobility and anyone can do it, old and young, even pregnant. It was fun. Well, it's late and I got up at 5 the last 2 mornings, so will sign off for now. Hope you get this! Love, Mom
Hey everybody lookie!
Monday, September 17, 2007
Hidie ho Neighbors (family)
Hi Family,
NOt to much new here. Just an update on our week end. Megan's homecoming went well. She didn't go with a date, as she both didn't get asked, and she is not 16 yet. She did have a bunch of friends that all went together. Some of them were couples but on the whole they were just a great big group. She did buy a group pix, so when that comes I will scan it and post it so you all can see, her goofy group that I love.
Ford is working hard on his part in the play, and is getting a good work out by learning dances and moving sets around. I think this is really good for him though.
We got to go to one of the most awesome Sacrament meetings EVER on Sunday. Chris worked his magic yet again, and had an orchestra preform for the whole meeting (except the 2 very short talks) One the the orchestra members is a girl from our ward that has just started college, and was offered the opportunity to play with Chris' group and had a wonderful time! It really was one of the best meetings I have ever been to! Kudos again to Chris, and also to Christi for supporting and encouraging him. Anyway, I guess for now that's all. So I will Blog again soon. Love you all Jana
NOt to much new here. Just an update on our week end. Megan's homecoming went well. She didn't go with a date, as she both didn't get asked, and she is not 16 yet. She did have a bunch of friends that all went together. Some of them were couples but on the whole they were just a great big group. She did buy a group pix, so when that comes I will scan it and post it so you all can see, her goofy group that I love.
Ford is working hard on his part in the play, and is getting a good work out by learning dances and moving sets around. I think this is really good for him though.
We got to go to one of the most awesome Sacrament meetings EVER on Sunday. Chris worked his magic yet again, and had an orchestra preform for the whole meeting (except the 2 very short talks) One the the orchestra members is a girl from our ward that has just started college, and was offered the opportunity to play with Chris' group and had a wonderful time! It really was one of the best meetings I have ever been to! Kudos again to Chris, and also to Christi for supporting and encouraging him. Anyway, I guess for now that's all. So I will Blog again soon. Love you all Jana
Sunday, September 16, 2007
From Colorado
I don't know about anyone else, but we are enjoying the blog so far. I hope we'll just keep getting more and more activity.
Congrats on your part Ford. I wish we could come see you perform. Sounds like you're having a good time and developing lots of talents. Keep it up.
Megan, sounds like your having a great time in high school. I'm glad to hear it. However, if I get word I need to make a trip out to straighten out a wayward young man who's got big ideas about my niece you better watch out. By the way, who's the latest casualty in Megan's war of infatuation? If you think someone should smack me for all this harrassment, don't worry, Jennah's good at that sort of thing when necessary.
We had a busy day yesterday. We left at 9:30 with all the brood and went to Paige's soccer game. Boy, talk about mob mentality. That's all the kids know, but that's normal. After Paige's game, we went to Jesse's flag football game. Jesse is really excited to get to play and he had a great time. After Jesse's game, we went Brielle's soccer game. She's is fun to watch play soccer because she plays with unrestrained energy and zeal, until she exhausts herself. By the time we finished it was 4:00 in the afternoon. I wonder how we're going to handle it when we have all the kids running around to lesson, games, or other activities. Oh well, why borrow worries. I enjoyed watching the kids play and I even managed to restrain myself and let their coaches do the coaching (I only cheered a little bit).
Jennah and the kids are enjoying home school. It still challenging, but Jennah has retooled the schedule several times and is getting more and more comfortable. Jesse has learned the names of about 30 birds (he embarrassed me in a competition) and they've both learned a great deal about sharks, fish and amphibians. I'm definitely going to have to make sure I keep up on my reading or they're going to learn more than I know before I know it. Boy, that was hard to follow. Hopefully, you got the point.
Anyway, love you guys. We'll talk to you later.
Congrats on your part Ford. I wish we could come see you perform. Sounds like you're having a good time and developing lots of talents. Keep it up.
Megan, sounds like your having a great time in high school. I'm glad to hear it. However, if I get word I need to make a trip out to straighten out a wayward young man who's got big ideas about my niece you better watch out. By the way, who's the latest casualty in Megan's war of infatuation? If you think someone should smack me for all this harrassment, don't worry, Jennah's good at that sort of thing when necessary.
We had a busy day yesterday. We left at 9:30 with all the brood and went to Paige's soccer game. Boy, talk about mob mentality. That's all the kids know, but that's normal. After Paige's game, we went to Jesse's flag football game. Jesse is really excited to get to play and he had a great time. After Jesse's game, we went Brielle's soccer game. She's is fun to watch play soccer because she plays with unrestrained energy and zeal, until she exhausts herself. By the time we finished it was 4:00 in the afternoon. I wonder how we're going to handle it when we have all the kids running around to lesson, games, or other activities. Oh well, why borrow worries. I enjoyed watching the kids play and I even managed to restrain myself and let their coaches do the coaching (I only cheered a little bit).
Jennah and the kids are enjoying home school. It still challenging, but Jennah has retooled the schedule several times and is getting more and more comfortable. Jesse has learned the names of about 30 birds (he embarrassed me in a competition) and they've both learned a great deal about sharks, fish and amphibians. I'm definitely going to have to make sure I keep up on my reading or they're going to learn more than I know before I know it. Boy, that was hard to follow. Hopefully, you got the point.
Anyway, love you guys. We'll talk to you later.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Hello. This is MEGAN! :)
hahaha I felt like Hawaii for a second there :)
Anyways this, as you may have already guessed, is Megan.
And I am greeting you from our humble abode, in the dinning room to be exact..
But anyways on to the good stuff.
I am in high school now, and a brand new one at that :)
We are the Syracuse Titans and we are full of pride because we have a new school. (the good pride)
I am taking my core classes.. because I have to.. but my electives are Choir, Orchestra, and Seminary and I am loving all three.
Tomorrow is Homecoming day.. and the Orchestra gets to be in the parade we are having after school :) it is very exciting because I have never been in a parade. :D
And there is a tailgate party with free hot dogs!
Our homecoming football game will be played against Weber High..
Hopefully we will win.. We haven't won at all so far..
So wish us luck :)
Homecoming Dance is Saturday evening and I am going to go with a bunch of friends it will be exciting..
I hope.
Well.. I feel as if I am rambling on.. and on.. and on..
So I will part from the blogging scene for now.
Have a wonderful night, and weekend.
Love you so much miss you all!
♥ Megan
hahaha I felt like Hawaii for a second there :)
Anyways this, as you may have already guessed, is Megan.
And I am greeting you from our humble abode, in the dinning room to be exact..
But anyways on to the good stuff.
I am in high school now, and a brand new one at that :)
We are the Syracuse Titans and we are full of pride because we have a new school. (the good pride)
I am taking my core classes.. because I have to.. but my electives are Choir, Orchestra, and Seminary and I am loving all three.
Tomorrow is Homecoming day.. and the Orchestra gets to be in the parade we are having after school :) it is very exciting because I have never been in a parade. :D
And there is a tailgate party with free hot dogs!
Our homecoming football game will be played against Weber High..
Hopefully we will win.. We haven't won at all so far..
So wish us luck :)
Homecoming Dance is Saturday evening and I am going to go with a bunch of friends it will be exciting..
I hope.
Well.. I feel as if I am rambling on.. and on.. and on..
So I will part from the blogging scene for now.
Have a wonderful night, and weekend.
Love you so much miss you all!
♥ Megan
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Just a little update.
Hi guys,
Just a little update, Ford got a part as a salesman. I can't remember if I said that they are doing "Music Man Jr." Not as big of a part as he thought, but I think the more he thought about having to be there everyday, all day long I think he is glad that he got a smaller part. Not only that his friend Dylan and he now have almost the same part. It worked out well.
Chet ended up not having to go to court for the assault thing. The guy out in a plea bargin, so it was all over with and handled without even having to go back to the judge. What that means for us yet is not really clear for me. I do know that the guy has to pay restitution, and will be on probation, and some other things that I don't know all the details to. I think that if we want any money from him, we will have to sue him civially, and I don't think that Chet is really wanting to pursue that. I guess we will have to just wait and see. Anyway, I guess that is all for now. Love you all. Jana & Fam.
Just a little update, Ford got a part as a salesman. I can't remember if I said that they are doing "Music Man Jr." Not as big of a part as he thought, but I think the more he thought about having to be there everyday, all day long I think he is glad that he got a smaller part. Not only that his friend Dylan and he now have almost the same part. It worked out well.
Chet ended up not having to go to court for the assault thing. The guy out in a plea bargin, so it was all over with and handled without even having to go back to the judge. What that means for us yet is not really clear for me. I do know that the guy has to pay restitution, and will be on probation, and some other things that I don't know all the details to. I think that if we want any money from him, we will have to sue him civially, and I don't think that Chet is really wanting to pursue that. I guess we will have to just wait and see. Anyway, I guess that is all for now. Love you all. Jana & Fam.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Here are the newest pix.
This is from Ford
Hi everybody this Is Ford. I'm just going to tell everybody, that I made call backs for the musical at my school. If anyone wants to come I will get the information and post it here. Love you guys. Ford
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
I think it is almost FALL!
Hi everybody!
I hope everyone is having a great week! As for me, you know,(sarcastic deep sigh) never a dull moment at the Parker house!
In my last entry, I was complainging LOUDLY about how stinking hot it was. Well, now is my time to NOT complain. The weather has been so fantastic the last few days!! It has cooled off nicely. Not too cool but not at all hot like before. It rain here at my house for most of the night last night. Which for me was a really good thing, as I was the only one home and it gave me something to focus on BESIDES being home alone. Which I really hate. (I was trying to conserve fuel, by not driving anywhere).
Anyway, Ford had his tryouts for the school play today I will have to let you know what happens with that.
Megan was voted class rep for her Orchestra class. I think she is excited!
Work and kids is really all I have been doing, not too exciting, but there is my entry.
By the way Dave & Jen, This is a really good idea, I think I just hope to hear from everybody. But if not it will be intirely too funny to read about your family! I love it!!
Guess thats all for now Love you all, Jana & Fam
I hope everyone is having a great week! As for me, you know,(sarcastic deep sigh) never a dull moment at the Parker house!
In my last entry, I was complainging LOUDLY about how stinking hot it was. Well, now is my time to NOT complain. The weather has been so fantastic the last few days!! It has cooled off nicely. Not too cool but not at all hot like before. It rain here at my house for most of the night last night. Which for me was a really good thing, as I was the only one home and it gave me something to focus on BESIDES being home alone. Which I really hate. (I was trying to conserve fuel, by not driving anywhere).
Anyway, Ford had his tryouts for the school play today I will have to let you know what happens with that.
Megan was voted class rep for her Orchestra class. I think she is excited!
Work and kids is really all I have been doing, not too exciting, but there is my entry.
By the way Dave & Jen, This is a really good idea, I think I just hope to hear from everybody. But if not it will be intirely too funny to read about your family! I love it!!
Guess thats all for now Love you all, Jana & Fam
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Hi Guys
Does anybody want a tadpole? We've got two. They're actually looking more like frogs now. Jennah and the kids found them at a farm after some heavy rains. The kids have never caught tadpoles before, so I guess it was a bit of a circus. Everyone ran into the water like the tadpoles were just going to sit there and let them catch them. When I got home that night, I educated them a little bit about how to appropriately catch tadpoles. Oh well, they had fun and the tadpoles, amazingly, have survived. This despite incidences with our not so gentle with animals Caleb. He came to me one day with a tadpole very securely held in his hand. I think the poor things eyes were bulging out of its head. I really thought he killed it. Fortunately, they have proven resilient and are quite active most of the time, especially when they see the shadow of Caleb approaching.
This is our fifth attempt at having animals about. Brielles Gecko and the tadpoles are the only ones still hanging around. Oh, and the crickets if you count them before they become food for the Gecko. I can't remember the Gecko's name, Brielle keeps changing it. One of these days we'll get really brave and get a puppy, but the kids scared the last dog we tried to get away. He started digging under the fence he was so scared. Just kidding. Anyway, Jennah tells me I need to stop now, so we'll talk to you later.
Love you all
Does anybody want a tadpole? We've got two. They're actually looking more like frogs now. Jennah and the kids found them at a farm after some heavy rains. The kids have never caught tadpoles before, so I guess it was a bit of a circus. Everyone ran into the water like the tadpoles were just going to sit there and let them catch them. When I got home that night, I educated them a little bit about how to appropriately catch tadpoles. Oh well, they had fun and the tadpoles, amazingly, have survived. This despite incidences with our not so gentle with animals Caleb. He came to me one day with a tadpole very securely held in his hand. I think the poor things eyes were bulging out of its head. I really thought he killed it. Fortunately, they have proven resilient and are quite active most of the time, especially when they see the shadow of Caleb approaching.
This is our fifth attempt at having animals about. Brielles Gecko and the tadpoles are the only ones still hanging around. Oh, and the crickets if you count them before they become food for the Gecko. I can't remember the Gecko's name, Brielle keeps changing it. One of these days we'll get really brave and get a puppy, but the kids scared the last dog we tried to get away. He started digging under the fence he was so scared. Just kidding. Anyway, Jennah tells me I need to stop now, so we'll talk to you later.
Love you all
Friday, August 31, 2007
Man it's HOT!
Hi all,
Well the first half week of school is now under our belts, so to speak. I do have one major complaint however, I think they should start school in December! It is so stinking hot roght now that I am melting at school. No air conditioning is bad enough but in the school there is not even the slightest hint of a breeze! I don't usually sweat but this last week I think I have sweat out my body wieght and then some! Then again I think that if I am going to sweat this much I should lose at least SOME wieght, but NOOO! Not even one pound! It really is not fair.
Megan was a little disappointed in her first day of school. She said nobody really talked like she thought they would. I think she just needs to give it some time. It is a brand new school, and I think that all of the kids are nervous, all of them about being in a new school an some of them for being in high school.
For Megan too, she is like me, in the fact thqat she remembers everyone! She remembers everyone from kindergarten on. Her friends want to know how she remembers everyone like she does. That part of it has been a little fun for her, and also I think that for the first time she is glad that she went to all of the schools that she did. She knows a lot more kids than most of the rest of the kids her age.
Ford had a great week as far as he let me know. He is in band and choir, and is loving it! Choir is one of his most favorite classes. For really not looking forward to starting school he has done really well. He still may not LIKE it much but he is doing really well.
Chet's court for assault has been scheduled for the 11th of Sept. but today he got a call telling us that the guy may make a plee bargan so we are not sure if we are going to have to go to court for sure. I will kepp you all posted on what happens with that.
I guess thats all for this time love you all, and talk to you all later.
Well the first half week of school is now under our belts, so to speak. I do have one major complaint however, I think they should start school in December! It is so stinking hot roght now that I am melting at school. No air conditioning is bad enough but in the school there is not even the slightest hint of a breeze! I don't usually sweat but this last week I think I have sweat out my body wieght and then some! Then again I think that if I am going to sweat this much I should lose at least SOME wieght, but NOOO! Not even one pound! It really is not fair.
Megan was a little disappointed in her first day of school. She said nobody really talked like she thought they would. I think she just needs to give it some time. It is a brand new school, and I think that all of the kids are nervous, all of them about being in a new school an some of them for being in high school.
For Megan too, she is like me, in the fact thqat she remembers everyone! She remembers everyone from kindergarten on. Her friends want to know how she remembers everyone like she does. That part of it has been a little fun for her, and also I think that for the first time she is glad that she went to all of the schools that she did. She knows a lot more kids than most of the rest of the kids her age.
Ford had a great week as far as he let me know. He is in band and choir, and is loving it! Choir is one of his most favorite classes. For really not looking forward to starting school he has done really well. He still may not LIKE it much but he is doing really well.
Chet's court for assault has been scheduled for the 11th of Sept. but today he got a call telling us that the guy may make a plee bargan so we are not sure if we are going to have to go to court for sure. I will kepp you all posted on what happens with that.
I guess thats all for this time love you all, and talk to you all later.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
How about this for a family letter
Hi Guys
How about if we try this for our family letter. Remember that this is a public site, so don't put anything here you don't want the world to see.
I think this may be an easier way to keep up on news together and hopefully more current. Also, you can post at your convenience and whenever you might have news to share or things to post. I believe you can post pictures here as well if you want, but I don't know how yet.
I'm sure some of you have done blogs before, and if you have any pointers, let me (us) know.
Love you
How about if we try this for our family letter. Remember that this is a public site, so don't put anything here you don't want the world to see.
I think this may be an easier way to keep up on news together and hopefully more current. Also, you can post at your convenience and whenever you might have news to share or things to post. I believe you can post pictures here as well if you want, but I don't know how yet.
I'm sure some of you have done blogs before, and if you have any pointers, let me (us) know.
Love you
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